How to Punctuate Dialogue Correctly

How to Punctuate Dialogue Correctly

Seven essential rules for proper dialog punctuation You’ve written some sparkling dialogue, so now it’s time to punctuate it. In this section, we’ll go through some of the main rules of dialogue formatting and punctuation. New speaker, new line Multiple paragraphs of...
How to Edit & Proofread in Microsoft Word

How to Edit & Proofread in Microsoft Word

If you’re editing a document or manuscript for someone, you need to use Microsoft Word and its Track Changes feature. Track Changes does exactly what it says – it tracks all your edits so the author can see what you’ve changed and can approve, reject...
How to Format a Manuscript for an Editor or Agent

How to Format a Manuscript for an Editor or Agent

Text formatting guidelines for submissions to editors and agents Once you’re satisfied that your story works and you’ve done your best to iron out any text and expression issues, it’s time to prepare your manuscript for an editor. Or if it’s already been edited,...
The 4 Levels of Editing (and Which One You Need Most)

The 4 Levels of Editing (and Which One You Need Most)

Choose the right editing service for your manuscript Editing is the process of reviewing and polishing text to reduce errors, improve clarity and create a more impactful reading experience. This means checking grammar and spelling while also looking at issues like...